Leadership Development

At Robin Lines Associates, we understand that businesses need people with tangible leadership skills in order to grow and progress. Confidence, motivation, communications skills and conflict resolution are just some of the qualities that define an effective leader. The best leaders inspire those who follow them to be dedicated to the cause.

Leadership Development

The Midas Touch

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We offer beginner through to advanced courses, with a focus on skills, techniques and behaviours that will facilitate long-term sustainable improvements in leadership. We can also work with the business to develop a fully bespoke on-going leadership training programme and provide your business with the foundations necessary for future success.

The six days I spent with Robin were fun, engaging, but most of all, informative. It made me review my personal offering whilst affecting how I interacted with colleagues; whether direct reports or managing upwards.

Darren Hatherley

Director of Sales Development, ADP

Trickle Down Effect

Good leadership is a must for any business. When a company has good leadership, the effects trickle down throughout the organisation, stimulating improved productivity and a happier work environment. Interpersonal conflicts in the work place smother business performance, lead to lower sales and a demotivated workforce.

We Know the Qualities of Good Leaders

A good leader is one who knows when to step in and be strict, how to resolve a crisis, how to steer the ship in the right direction and how to make every employee feel like a valued member of the team. A valued employee is a happy worker and significantly more productive. Leaders gain the respect of others, both from the workforce and from customers. They help instil and further the image of the business to everyone who interacts with the organisation at every level. They are the people who will help your business succeed.

Discover, Nurture, Develop

Our leadership development programmes will help your organisation discover the leaders in your midst, help those leaders harness their innate abilities and develop their skills to produce immediate and sustainable improvements across the board. We don’t peddle an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all approach. Instead we work closely with our clients to develop the solution that is right for you, for your business and for the people in your business.

Our Three Stage Process

Research & Analysis

We spend some time within your business, understanding its people and culture. By talking with and observing your people in action, we start working on an approach that suits you.


We'll go over our findings with you and suggest a plan of action, according to your needs and budgets. Using the knowledge we've gained from your business, we'll tailor our suggestions to fit naturally with your organisational culture.

Implement & Monitor

We'll deliver the programmes you've agreed to on time and to schedule. You'll be kept up-to-date every step of the way and we'll also monitor your people's ease with our content, further tailoring the programme if required.


Bloxham Mill, Barford Road, Bloxham, OX15 4FF


01295 742142 | 07548 023711


[email protected]

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