Studies have repeatedly shown a link between productivity and morale. Companies with high levels of employee engagement outperform competitors. Not only that, but an engaged workforce is often a healthier one, with fewer days lost to sickness and higher cognitive levels leading to increased innovation and creativity.
Here’s a rundown of several methods to increase People Engagement in your organisation.
Even a simple ‘thank you’ for a job well done can help boost engagement in your business. People want to feel valued and appreciated. Try and catch people doing a good job and let them know that you value their contribution. Be careful not to over-praise, however, as too much can start to sound disingenuous.
Encourage and Develop
Motivation and engagement go hand-in-hand. You can foster a great office atmosphere and culture if you have a plan to encourage and develop people to reach their goals. Show commitment to helping your people reach their full potential by finding out what makes them tick and offering a route to success through training and other activities.
Lead By Example
If you want your people to be passionate and enthusiastic, then you need to inject those qualities into everything you do. Strive to produce world-class work and to be an industry leader by never settling for average. Additionally, be helpful and approachable, with an open-door policy so that your people can seek your input and advice. Furthermore, take time to work alongside your people. Don’t be the boss behind the door; muck in and get your hands dirty.
Make Your People Love Coming to Work
Dynamic workplaces are exciting workplaces. People who feel like they are doing the ‘same old’ every day become bored with work. Ask yourself whether your workplace is a creative, innovative one? Are the decisions you are making challenging people to be the best versions of themselves? Do not be afraid to give your people a voice and let them speak up. Brainstorming sessions, or even the humble suggestion box, might be the key to your next breakthrough.
Develop and Maintain Trust
People work best when there is trust. They want to know that their managers are looking out for their best interests, and trust that the business is heading in the right direction. Additionally, your people will want to know that their concerns will be treated with respect, that their colleagues are as engaged with the work as you need them to be. Regular feedback and mentoring can help build trust, as can treating mistakes as opportunities to learn, not a lecture.
Celebrate Success
Whenever something good happens, celebrate it. Make everybody in your department, or at your organisation, a part of those successes. Winning breeds winners, and is a powerful motivator for everyone else. Make use of internal communications or company newsletters to highlight the individuals and groups that have gone above and beyond. Importantly, make everyone feel invested in what the business is doing so that they feel responsible for its future progress.